Successful User Onboarding Stories

Pieter Heyman
4 min readSep 10, 2020

From a state of confusion to a state of comfort

High five a new signup as soon as possible! Go for the win together.

In short it’s all about getting the user from a state of confusion to a state of comfort with the software as soon as possible.

Succesful onboarding

A quick onboarding can be done by guiding a user through some simple setup steps. This can be achieved with the help of a wizard filled with input boxes and switches, but this can also be done by some quick first interactions within the product itself.

Avoid long user manuals as much as possible. Also avoid an exhausting walkthrough on all the product features. The sooner a user interacts with your product, the faster a user becomes familiar with the product. This will also increase the chances that a user will spend money on your product. A great onboarding will increase the quality of your entire customer experience! It will turn your new signups into engaged customers!

Users love quick wins and you should celebrate the wins with them. (illustration by Radostina Georgieva)

Onboarding stories




Pieter Heyman

UI / UX product designer with a keen interest in design systems.